Monday, October 10, 2011

One Year Since my Pastor went to Heaven

In October of 2010, my pastor Dwain Hobbs (God World Church in Dallas Tx) went home to be with the Lord a total shock to the church and his family, because he was not sick he made it to church every Sunday praising the Lord.  His daughter Darla Shirley, the current pastor, inform the church that he died Saturday at his home; he decided to jog to the mailbox where they found him.

I imagine that when he was jogging he saw Jesus at the end and left this world and ran into His loving arms, ‘well done good and faithful servant.’  That surprises other and me because we did not foresee that our prayers were mainly for his wife because she misses church a lot due to her illness, but today she getting stronger everyday.

My pastor had one message that he preach every Sunday, Faith in God, now he would come at it in many direction but Faith in God and give your tithes, not because the church need the money, but so you can activate your Faith and received the blessing God has for you. 

Darla our pastor has taken the mantle and is leading us to Rise Up Higher in God Word and brings other with us.  We want to take the foundation that Dwain set to do greater things our outreach that we do has double and some time triple like the Summer Kid feeding program and the back to school Shoe Ride to name a couple, for a church on a good day that has about 30 people in the service, Praised God!

I thank God for allow me to see a man who totally trust in God and saw and did great miracles, because I know if he did that well I can too in Jesus name.


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